Button Kingdoms: a deckbuilding board game

Engaging & Strategic Gameplay

Button kingdoms is an innovative deck-building game in which bribery and simultaneous actions play a key role.

The unique market allows you to reinforce your army of Plushie Recruits, by bribing your opponents with victory points. This is done through a blind bidding system that keeps the game moving quickly and prevents intentionally giving victory to another player.

Asymmetric champion abilities offer players powerful effects to get ahead when they are revealed– or you can keep your champion hidden to cunningly take the lead by secretly playing into their strengths.

Unleash the deck of multi-use toys that you’ve built to seize the thrones of your opponents and build up a wealth of buttons. When paired with the social market and the hidden champion objectives, this deck-builder promises a tense experience of shifting alliances.

60-90 minute playtimeEngaging simultaneous play
Family friendly, ages 10 and upBribery based social deck builder
3-4 playersMulti-use dual phase cards
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I’m Sam from Around the Stump Games! My interest in games started with my grandfather, who inspired my interest in games of strategy. Together we carved a chess set from the wood of a tree stump, and the publishing company’s name was born.

Around the Stump Games previously published another fun family night game called Outrun the Bear, which was voted 2023 UKGE People’s Choice “Best Family Game”!

Outrun the Bear

How long does this game take to learn and play?

For your first game it takes about 20 minutes to learn, and 90 minutes to play. But it plays very quickly– under an hour– once players understand the unique market system.

Does the game feature player elimination?

No, the goal of combat in Button Kingdoms is to gain victory points and determine when the game ends. So if someone seizes your throne, you are still very much in the game, and you might even find it easier to win because you no longer need to defend your kingdom.

When will the Kickstarter launch?

The Kickstarter will launch Feb 18th 2025

When will I be able to receive a copy?

I’m going to set the fulfillment date one year from the Kickstarter completion, but I’m targeting before October 2025.

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